The most common fungal disease is foot mycosis. The fungus on the legs is most often found in the areas of the fingers and nails. Despite modern technology, old sores still afflict people. They still need the systematic use of medication and patience to achieve their goals.

Getting a fungal infection is easy, but getting rid of it isn't easy. The fact is that, under the influence of favorable conditions, entering the surface of the skin, the fungus begins to develop, at the same time destroying the epidermis or nails.
Symptoms that indicate the presence of a fungus
Fungal infections on the feet come in many forms. They have their own symptoms, but some are characteristic of all types of fungi.
You can identify the disease by the following signs:
- severe itching;
- Changes in skin and nail color where the fungus grows;
- Some forms of fungal infections appear as small rashes or watery papules;
- peeling skin;
- redness and swelling;
- Sometimes the body temperature will rise, in most cases - not higher than 37 degrees;
- The affected nail loses its elasticity and begins to peel, chip or even collapse, and the skin around the nail festers;
- Watery acne becomes cloudy over time and the contents inside turn purulent.
Fungus on the legs and the cause of its activity
Almost everyone on the planet is a carrier of a fungal infection, but not everyone has a fungal infection.
The infection is activated for the following reasons:
- Violation of the endocrine system;
- There is no need to wear special shoes when visiting public swimming pools, saunas and baths;
- High humidity can lead to the development of infections, such as wet shoes, poor drying of feet after hygiene procedures;
- decrease in immunity.
Fungi and their drug treatments
Treating fungal infections is a long process. It is very important to choose the right medicine and detect the disease in time. No one does it better than a dermatologist, and you shouldn't try it yourself. The truth is that the infected skin area looks like regular dermatitis.
miconazole antifungal
It has a wide range of applications, that is, it fights a variety of fungal infections. It is considered to be one of the most effective methods. Treatment can be started after a doctor's prescription.
To get rid of infection, treat problematic skin or nails 2 times a day. For better treatment, you can bandage the affected fingers or nails after the medication. Treat for at least 2 weeks. You will need to use this medicine for about a week after the signs of the disease disappear.
This medication is contraindicated in people with severe liver disease. Side effects are related to allergic reactions.
According to numerous reviews of grateful patients, the therapy is a very effective remedy for parasitic fungus. Helps quickly and rarely relapses. The first tangible results were seen at week 2 of treatment.
Preparation of undecanoic acid
Undecanoic acid is the main active ingredient. In addition to the drug helping to get rid of fungal infections, it also promotes the healing of damaged skin.
For faster healing, lubricate the damaged area 2 times a day.
Treat for at least 15 days. Repeat the lesson in the same way if needed.
The drug has some contraindications: allergic reactions, non-fungal skin diseases in the acute phase. Side effects are also associated with allergies to a greater extent.
The weeping wound healed quickly after the medication, sometimes under the influence of mycosis. The itching disappeared after a few days.
Homeopathic antifungal medicine with psoralen
The main ingredient is psoralen, which is extracted from the seeds of a plant called Ammi. It acts as a medicine to fight the reproduction of the infection and also helps to clear the infection.
To eliminate the fungus, lubricate the surface of the affected skin area with the gel 3 times a day. After each use, a characteristic film develops on the surface of the toe. Wash with soap and water before next use. Then dry your feet before applying the medicine. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks. Everything depends on the result. If the disease "resists", treatment can be continued for a week. If the disease recurs, the treatment is repeated according to the same regimen.
After application, the first actual results will appear no earlier than 7 days. The itching goes away faster.
Quinine antifungal
It is used on mild skin lesions, not on nails.
To treat with this medication 2 times a day, apply the powder to clean, dry skin. Also treat shoes and socks with medication. The maximum course is 4 weeks.
After application, the fungus will cease to exist after a period of time. The first significant result occurs no earlier than 7-8 days of treatment.
Methods of removing affected nails
The main ingredient is urea, which acts as an acid in concentrated form.
Usually, if the nail is severely damaged, it is surgically removed. This is necessary because no medication will get under the nail plate. Therefore, any treatment is useless. The infection gets into the nail and multiplies. The new plates will come back in time, but are already healthy.
To get rid of nails without surgery, treat with lotion every few days. Start by dissolving some soap and baking soda in warm water. For one liter of water, take 20 grams of soda water and an equal amount of dry soap shavings. Steam your feet to soften your nails. Then a preparation that dissolves the keratinous surface of the nail plate is used.
It is recommended to protect the skin near the nail during lotion treatment so as not to damage it. The next step is to seal the treated area with a plaster. The time of use is indicated in the manual.
Then use a nail file to remove the softened layer for a pedicure or manicure. How many times to apply - depends on the thickness of the nail plate. The pack is designed for a few fingers.
Contraindicated in persons who have an allergic reaction to it or one of its ingredients. There is no information on side effects.
When applied correctly, the nail plate will thin out and gradually dissolve completely, allowing it to come into contact with the skin of the finger. The preparation contains tea tree oil, which acts as an antiseptic, sanitizing unprotected skin surfaces, allowing faster fungal treatment.
How to deal with problems at home?
Treating the disease at home with natural remedies may be effective, especially in the initial stages of development. It is best to eliminate complex forms with medication so as not to waste time.
Recipe #1
Take 100 grams of milkweed. Use the entire plant, from root to flower. Put in a thermos and fill with water, it will take about 2 liters. If you don't have a suitable thermos, you can prepare the medicine in any container and cover it with something dense to keep it warm. After a few hours, pour into a basin and steam the fungal-infested legs. Repeat every 3 days. Treatment starts at 14 days.
Recipe #2
Wet clean socks with wine vinegar and wring them out. Put on your feet before bed. Vinegar has antiseptic properties. Helps get rid of fungus. Treatment lasts at least one month.
Recipe #3
Brew coffee in a pot. Pour the finished strong drink into a bowl and steam your feet in it. Therefore, not only can the fungus be eliminated in a few days, but also the fatigue of the legs. Repeat the process on consecutive days.
Precautions to prevent flare-ups:
- If your legs are sweating too much, take a herbal bath every night and change your socks frequently;
- It is recommended to soak the feet in salt water or a soda solution, for this, dissolve one tablespoon of the product in a liter of water and keep the feet on the feet for 15-20 minutes;
- Iron sheets and socks after washing with a hot iron, the fungus dies at high temperatures;
- Regularly disinfect shoes with special means such as formalin to kill the infection, a 1% solution is sufficient.
Treat the problem at home through all of the above methods. Effectiveness depends on your method. Proper use of the drug guarantees 100% effectiveness. It is best to work with your doctor to choose the right remedy.